Minggu, 10 Februari 2013

Kasdeya's Moonlord Build ♥

Hey all I'm recreating my Moonlord build, due to people on youtube asking me to do so.. So I felt I couldn't let them down anymore so.. yeah...

Ok firstly, this build is created following my playstyle closely so I do not expect everyone to accept it, so this build is not some perfect nor a build where everyone has to follow.. Lastly, I only accept creative criticism.. Flamers will not be entertained.. As if you guys read about the T4 Skill changes coming.. MLs dps would be greatly nerfed but if you still have the passion for MLs its good to carry on but on those contemplating on whether to get a Glad or a ML IMO i would suggest just go for a glad.. I have seen the glads on KR test server.. The videos can be found on youtube.. A hacking stance could easily outdps a moon blade dance(on an average scale) so yeah.. I would be testing it when it comes out on CDN after which I will make a decision too whether to change to a Glad.. Ok enjoy my guide! if you have any questions you would like to raise just leave a comment & I will get back to you asap =)

The above is my old skill build which is the one i used in my videos. It's more focused on the magical skill tree of sword masters. Personally I love this build but somehow I find that it could not really bring out the playstyle which I really love so I decided to go for a newer build..

Here are my equips for the skill build above.

Ok the following is my current build & eqs.

now my equipments

& lastly my current stats

as noticed my phy attack is higher than my m.attk even though all my shirt are INT & weapons are INT & I stack m.attk on my plates thats why I have chose the hybrid way..
The reason I go Int Suffix for my weapons is due to the fact that I feel Int suffix is a better choice due to the facts of
(1) Int suffixes helps the party of raids & nest (Dragon Nest is a team game)
Due to the fact that most dpsers needs the Int suffix.
(2) Magic suffixes basically are less stable then Int suffixes in dealing dmg for MLs
I have tested in & found that my attacks are higher when Int suffix are activated then when magic suffix are activated.
(3) MLs are semi dpsers increasing that few hundred m.attk will definitely lose out when INT suffix are activated for the team so mainly our role in raids & nest are debuffers rather than main dpsers.

Thats about it.. I would like to point out to SEA players that swordmasters are indeed welcome in future nest & not misconceived that they are not needed due to the importance of their debuff. IMO.

For people who think that I should not go line drive etc etc I would like to highlight that the Chinese in CDN already made the term 月皇. It means a hybrid moonlord & my ex guild leader explained that in order to achieve a higher dps for Moonlords u have to go hybrid in any case line drive is needed. I've done a comparison with LD & HMS. In single hits HMS would definitely out dps LD but on bosses which are huge & stationary LD would easily take 2-4hits in rare cases 6hits. I've done on Archbishop 6 hits before with LD which every single hit would be 70k 6x70= 420k dmg which compared to HMS 230k was the highest I've seen so far. Both comparison were done on lvl 6 of the skill level. Plus I would also like to highlight that imagine in a raid which normally consist of a Paladin, Mercs. Both classes are likely to be in raids. Mercs battle howl increase phyattk while Pally's armor break increases phyattk. Imagine with both how much would your  phy attacks increase.  I shall end my guide here.


Not all hope is loss although MoonbladeDance is immensely weak... Maybe its time to change the playstyle of a moonlord =)

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